ESG: Economic warfare against cheap energy, the poor and the middle class.
Unelected foreign elites impose their will on Americans through corporate compliance.
In the 1980’s Ronald Reagan offered a masterful gambit that ultimately defeated the Soviet Union: “Star Wars”. He launched the idea of a satellite based strategic anti-missile system, the Strategic Defense Initiative. The Soviets, already on the brink of economic collapse, could not keep up and their efforts to do so helped to end the Soviet Empire.
This same type of economic warfare is now being used against America, average Americans and everyone in the world who is poor or in the middle class. Only this time the weapon is the ESG rating and the goal is to end low-cost energy, nitrogen fertilizers and more.
The ESG paradigm is based on the fraudulent premise that man-made activity is causing global warming. It has been a useful canard of elitists like Al Gore, John Kerry, Obama, Biden and those in the World Economic Forum for decades. Children and the public have been indoctrinated to believe that life on earth will end if we don’t stop “man-made” global warming. This is, of course, nonsense, but has been a very useful nebulous and perpetual crisis to justify many attacks against cheap energy and the American economy and freedom itself. For those wanting more about the hoax of man-made global warming, see these references from the Heartland Institute1, “Wattsup with that2” and the Non-governmental international Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC)3.
As ESG ratings grow and spread, companies are removing their investments to build and maintain carbon-based fuel. Even here in Bartow County, the goal is to shut down the Bowen Electric plant by 2035! That is right, good-bye cheap energy and jobs here in Bartow County by 2035.
The “E” in ESG stands for “Environment”. There are multiple companies, NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) and governments that assign an ESG score to companies for compliance. As reported in the last post, companies are denied low-interest financing if they have an unfavorable ESG rating. The US Federal government is helping by increasing regulatory barriers to coal-fired plants and the SEC is poised to release ESG scoring on publicly traded companies this year.
Economic destruction is the only possible result of ESG compliance.
The goal is to take Americans out of the gas-driven cars. It is to create a fleet of electric cars, that may not be able to be charged; California banned EV charging during a heat wave after banning future new sales of gas powered cars. The goal is to replace gigawatts of cheap, efficient energy from coal with expensive, low-efficiency solar, wind and other “renewables” that can’t ever replace carbon-based energy (no nuclear allowed!). When people can’t buy electricity, drive to a neighboring city or state, farm and exist without ESG compliance, there will be an economic collapse. That is a feature of ESG and not a bug. That is why Elon Musk called ESG the “Devil Incarnate”. ESG is an existential threat to freedom and humanity, as detailed in the excellent report by the Heartland Institute in April 2023 (yes, last month).
The Global Research Institute
The Global Research Institute (GRI) is one of the main rating groups for ESG (there are many such groups). They indicate that about 40% of their funding comes from governments and foundation grants. Examples include the UK, Sweden, Australia and the Netherlands. It is in the Netherlands where the farmers have ben dictated to shut down 3,000 farms. The Farmers have been protesting, which makes sense since they are the world’s second largest exporter of food (aiding in the planned economic destruction for all but the elite).
The GRI has an 870 page document on “standards” used to create an ESG score. Among them relating to energy are the production of carbon and the use of nitrogen fertilizers. But that is not the end of it. The 870 page “standards guides” merely refers people to dozens of ever-changing and lengthy standards manuals for compliance.
These standards are being created by unelected global entities. These entities meet regularly at the World Economic Forum (WEF) to scheme against freedom and economies.
Here are some key quotes from the GRI “Standards”
“Excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture has been a major source of nitrate pollution in groundwater and surface water affecting access to clean water for local communities.”
“GHG [Greenhouse Gas] emissions are a major contributor to climate change and are governed by the United Nations (UN) ‘Framework Convention on Climate Change’ and the subsequent UN ‘Kyoto Protocol’.
“Some GHGs [Greenhouse Gas], including methane, are also air pollutants that have significant negative impacts on ecosystems, air quality, agriculture, and human and animal health.”
“As a result, different national and international regulations and incentive systems, such as emissions trading, aim to control the volume and reward the reduction of GHG emissions.
The implications of these standards is that nitrogen fertilizers are deemed “excessive” as part of the ESG score and farms are shut down, such as in the Netherlands. This same approach, ending nitrogen-fertilized farming, also caused economic collapse in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has achieved a near perfect ESG score of “98”, but their people were starving and the economy collapsed. And, of course, carbon-based fuel must be ended.
Goodbye Free-enterprise, Hello “Stakeholder Capitalism”
Capitalism has long been the target of collectivists. Collectivists seek to have a centrally-planned economy run by bureaucrats. Two major forms of Collectivism have dominated governments and societies over the last 150 years: Socialism and Fascism. Both socialism and fascism are collectivist economic systems. In full socialism there is no private property ownership allowed - all is owned and controlled by the state (think the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea). With Fascism, the State is still in charge, but allows selected private companies to own property and capital - but only if it deploys such in keeping within the central-planning of the government elite. Today the Communist Chinese Party has increasingly adopted fascist principles to grow its economy and control of people (and the world).
The ESG system is a fascist economic system. In this case the elite in charge is not a single nation-state, but a global cabal of an elite ruling class. They meet regularly in Davos as the “World Economic Forum”. Please go to the outstanding work at the Heartland institute to learn more detail about ESG. Take a look at the Heartland ESG Score Primer.
The WEF has pushed the agenda of “Stakeholder capitalism” whereby it is the interest of the collective that must benefit, not the property owner or asset holder them self. A shareholder of stock in a company is not to be benefitted by corporate profit, because they are only one of a myriad of stakeholders in the system. “Stakeholder capitalism” is a critical component of the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” with it’s ever-present slogan: “Build Back Better” (Biden and more).
Here is what the Global Research initiative says in its main GRI Standard implementation guide “GRI 1: Foundation 2021” .
“Stakeholders are individuals or groups that have interests that are affected or could be affected by an organization’s activities. Common categories of stakeholders for organizations are business partners, civil society organizations, consumers, customers, employees and other workers, governments, local communities, non-governmental organizations, shareholders and other investors, suppliers, trade unions, and vulnerable groups.”
“Stakeholder Capitalism” could more accurately be called “Marxism” and easily carry the slogan: “From those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs”.
The goal of the Stakeholder capitalism and ESG is to end true Capitalism (free-enterprise and property rights) and install fascism. Now many will say “capitalism is evil, because XYZ”. Those arguing against capitalism like to point to things like large health insurance companies, large pharmaceutical companies, the military-industrial complex, large public utility energy companies and more. However this is confusing true free-enterprise capitalism with “corporatism”. In a “corporatism” system, those with connections and influence work with government to freeze out their competitors and profit from subsidies and other government policies. Corporatism is not capitalism or free-enterprise.
What is emerging from the corporatism culture present and growing in America for the last few decades is a new economic system that is dangerous to freedom and humanity itself: FASCISM.
Economic collapse is the only result possible with high compliance with ESG and in fact, is the goal of most of the global elite. Sri Lanka’s economic-collapse from the ESG compliance nightmare is not the exception, it is the goal of the ESG construct. When people cannot provide from themselves, they must then depend on the government and the elite in charge.
This is why ESG must be stopped in America and the world: to save humanity and prevent enslavement to an unelected, unaccountable global elite.
Heartland Institute:
Watts up with that blog,disagreeing%20and%20the%20rest%20undecided.