OH, that fake notion of 98% of scientists agree. Just fake news.

Based on a survey and extrapolated from there.


But, it did get spelled out in wikipedia. They are a known biased entity that has low credibility when it comes to leftist narratives.

Nice try though.

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I wasn't going with the 97%. That's the figure who believe that the earth is warming. That's pretty indisputable. A lower but still significant majority think it is at least partially anthrogenic. The point being, I am sure as hell gonna listen to the climate scientists and make a decision off of that rather than someone whose expertise lies elsewhere. I have no business being in an operating room in the same way that you have no business trying a case in court.

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I can read science and I have read the climate science. It is not science. It is narratives and theories based on bad models that routinely fail to predict properly. It is pseudoscience.

When you spend most of your academic and professional life engaged in science, you know pseudoscience when you see it. As I have.

Look at the NIPCC footnote if you need more.

Be careful about falling into the trap of "trust" the experts. The worst always rise to the top (see hayek on that) and have their own biases and agendas.

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You are going to gravitate toward what conforms to your already existing beliefs. Your world is filled with dystopian threats from shadowy elites, mine is not. I am an occam's razor guy. Reality and human nature does not support the idea of global conspiracies. I reject populist tropes, because they are almost always used by demagogues in search of power. See also: Huey Long, Eugene Talmadge, George Wallace, and Donald Trump.

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Understood. If you want to ignore obvious facts about ESG that is your prerogative. But you won't be able to ignore the impact on your life.

These are obviously not some sort of delusion. Otherwise Governor Desantis and the Florida legisliature would not pass laws against it. That is also why Texas and West Virginia also passed laws against ESG funds in state investments.

I think perhaps you may not want people to know these truths. Good day.

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I am a free speech and free expression absolutist and I am debating these issues with you in a very open and public manner. So I am certainly not trying to censor any opinion no matter how misguided, factually or morally wrong I believe it to be.

Finally, if you are using the existence of legislation enacted by partisan politicians (either right or left) as valid evidence of the actual existence of a threat, then there is not much I can do to help you out of that morass.

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