ESG: Forcing Dangerous, Extreme Change through American and Globalist Corporations.
Blackrock, Vanguard, WEF, Government and more require compliance with their will.
“Behaviors are going to have to change and this is one thing we are asking companies, you have to force behaviors and at BlackRock, we are forcing behaviors,”
Larry Fink, Blackrock CEO
Everywhere an average American turns these days, it is obvious that active efforts are afoot to complete the fundamental transformation of America. America was once a land of freedom and opportunity for all. A land where, at one time, an average person could -simply by their own merit and hard work - rise to achieve economic independence and enjoy their lives in peace. That American dream is being crushed by efforts to move America away from merit, free enterprise, productivity, and low cost/high quality, energy, goods and services. The goal is to move America to a land of centralized control by an elite political class. This class seeks an end of true free market capitalism and instead seeks a model of “shareholder capitalism” with alliances between large corporations and governments that will impose their will on each of us. The model is corporatism and could more properly be defined as fascism. After all Benito Mussolini indicated “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”.
The elitists in charge are not hiding their plans and are actually proudly and boldly proclaiming how they will impose their will. One of their many tools is ESG which was briefly described at the beginning of this series on ESG. That means companies and individuals will be rewarded for compliance with Environmental, Social and Governance goals arbitrarily established by very rich and powerful entities and governments. They will be punished, potentially out of existence, for non-compliance with ESG.
ESG attacking Coal-fueled Electricity with higher lending costs.
Here is a basic example of ESG in action. There is an extremely dangerous stated goal by the World Economic Forum to become Carbon Neutral by 2050 and the UN wants a dangerous 50% carbon cut by 2030. As such the WEF and government have worked with many banks to ensure that it would be more expensive to build these plants. Barclays, a major lender, has “tightened” lending for Coal-fired plants. The WEF brags about the higher costs of lending for Coal fired plants. The US Treasury is trying to stop US Development bank funding for coal-fired plants as well as with the oppositely named “Inflation Reduction Act”. There are energy companies retiring their coal-fires plants early under pressure from WEF and allied forces.
This includes closing a large part of the BARTOW COUNTY Bowen Plant in 2028. (More on this story later in the series).
Companies Forced to Participate in ESG.
Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock famously pointed out how companies are going to be forced to change (quote above as from 2017 New York Times Forum time mark 27 minutes). Blackrock with current holdings of over $3 trillion is in a position to do so. Former Blackrock executives holds key posts in the Biden White House. Fink famously penned a letter to corporations advising them:
“…a company's ability to manage environmental, social, and governance matters demonstrates the leadership and good governance that is so essential to sustainable growth, which is why we are increasingly integrating these issues into our investment process.
Fink’s message was described in this way by the New York Times in 2018: “BlackRock’s Message: Contribute to Society, or Risk Losing Our Support”
If you have any doubt as to the reach and power of Blackrock and its ability to impose ESG, look at this list of 32 major companies with investments held by Blackrock. Not on this list is Fox, which recently fired Tucker Carlson for, among other things, going after ESG and the WEF. Blackrock holds just over 15% of the Fox portfolio totalling 45 million shares! They increased this position just a couple of months before Tucker was let go.
When you read this list of Blackrock holdings, think of all the ways these companies, Blackrock and other large investment funds (e.g. Vanguard) control Americans through their lobbying, their purchasing, their employees, the marketing they do and more. Can you say “Bud Light”? Here is an even more comprehensive list of Blackrock holdings.
Remember this also, when Blackrock uses “Woke” ESG investing, those people whose money are in the Blackrock funds also lose. In 6 months Blackrock lost $1.7 trillion in investor’s funds. That is why people say: “Go Woke, Go Broke”. But, that is often the point in “Stakeholder ‘capitalism’ ”.
Apple: $1 BILLION
Microsoft: $532 MILLION
Amazon: $596 MILLION
Alphabet Inc. (Google): $416 MILLION
Johnson & Johnson: $199 MILLION
Exxon: $292 MILLION
JP Morgan Chase: $195 MILLION
Visa: $126 MILLION
Chevron: $135 MILLION
Home Depot: $76 MILLION
Pfizer: $443 MILLION
Mastercard: $65 MILLION
Pepsi Co.: $110 MILLION
Coca-Cola: $311 MILLION
Meta (Facebook): $152 MILLION
Bank of America: $472 MILLION
Walmart: $97 MILLION
Costco: $30 MILLION
McDonald's: $52 MILLION
Verizon: $331 MILLION
Walt Disney Company: $121 MILLION
Raytheon: $101 MILLION
Nike: $86 MILLION
Netflix: $28 MILLION
Lockheed Martin: $18 MILLION
Salesforce: $71 MILLION
Starbucks: $76 MILLION
American Express: $46 MILLION
Boeing: $33 MILLION
Muy bien!
Dr. McKalip, I will be using some of your content above in a live radio show Tuesday 5/16 at 6-8pm. Thank you for your great insights. I will quote your article above as a reference in my script. I can send you my script if you're interested.
Private sector companies making private sector decisions. If you don't like them, don't give them money. If you don't like the governments they are currying favor with, vote them out.