ESG, DEI, CEI, CBDC and The WEF: It is all about Totalitarianism.
The command and control structure designed to end freedom and empower and enrich elitists.
“I’ll leave you with three thoughts: 1. Any power that government takes from the people, it will never return voluntarily 2. Every power that government takes, it will ultimately be abused to the maximum extent possible 3. Nobody ever complied their way out of totalitarianism. The only thing we can do is resist.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., 4/11/23, at Hillsdale College.
There is an active threat to freedom that is now being implemented throughout the world and especially here in the United States. It is called the ESG Score, standing for “Environmental, Social and Governance” standards. This score is being used by corporate America and governments to ensure that each person, each business, each institution and every entity on earth complies with the demands and directives of an elite ruling class.
Companies have been voluntarily complying with ESG scores for many years now. Mandatory compliance is coming as governments prepare to require it. This has lead to a revolt in states that are more oriented toward freedom against ESG requirements. That is good news, but there is still much work to do.
Glenn Beck has done outstanding work on ESG and its use in the “Great Reset”
Tonight 5/3/23, at 9pm on on the GlennTV Wednesday Night Special he will show how the UN Transformed “Agenda 21” to “Agenda 2030” and how the “Great Reset” is the manifestation of this globalist agenda. (See at or its Youtube channel)
This will be the first in a series exploring the impact of ESG on the lives of Americans and on freedom in the world. The first step in maintaining freedom from ESG totalitarianism is to learn how it works and how it is impacting people.
ESG scores basically are scores that determine if a corporation is complying with standards set by an elite. The elite often shift their position, so compliance one day on a standard may mean more compliance needed later on future arbitrary standards.
Heree are the most common ESG goals:
E - Environmental: Cut carbon-fuel use and become “Carbon neutral” by 2050 at the latest if not by 2030. Control food production, consumption, housing, where people may and may not live and how to enforce these goals.
S -Social: Ensure that companies embrace an agenda based on “DEI” (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and “CEI” (Corporate Equality Index). Promote every “woke” agenda item conceivable. The list will grow ever wider and ever more arbitrary depending on the whims and question for power of the ruling class.
G - Governance: To ensure that corporations, individuals and all entities are putting people on their Boards and leadership that will do what they are told within plan to achieve the goals of an elite ruling class. The WEF calls people who infiltrate organizations to push their agenda “Intrapreneurs” (as opposed to Entrepreneurs).
Much of this agenda will be implemented through a planned Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that will be used to control and monitor every dollar spent in America and in as much of the world as possible. The CBDC is based on the concept of the Social Credit Score, commonly in use in Communist China now.
The World Economic Forum is behind much of what is happening with ESG. They developed it and are working to promote it. You can learn more about how the WEF has infiltrated board rooms around the world and how their governance strategy is implemented from the WEF itself.
Full implementation of ESG and CBDC will mean totalitarian rule that will destroy freedom and humanity itself.
More to come….
Good sources to read is Woke Inc and The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism
I look forward to reading each installment of this series. I'll reserve comment until the end. Cheers!