Muy bien!

Dr. McKalip, I will be using some of your content above in a live radio show Tuesday 5/16 at 6-8pm. Thank you for your great insights. I will quote your article above as a reference in my script. I can send you my script if you're interested.


Luis https://www.linkedin.com/in/luismartinezcoach/

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Private sector companies making private sector decisions. If you don't like them, don't give them money. If you don't like the governments they are currying favor with, vote them out.

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These are not "private sector companies" in the traditional sense. They are crony corporatists operating within a government framework and a collective agenda of foreign interests. They are targetting Americans to create poverty and dependence.

There behavior is no different from a woolworth's preventing black people at the l;unch counter or redlining of black people by mortgage lenders. No different than the government-empowered rationing through obamacare. No different that public works projects sending money to well-connected constracters.

The apologism for the "private sector" companies enables the emerging fascism

Let the scales fall from your eyes.

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I am modifying my original response in attempt to better express my views.

What exactly is your endgame here? What do you want to accomplish with your post?

Your whole worldview seems to be based upon a never ending belief in a cabal of evil....a "them" or "they" or "elite" that wish to enslave the rest of us in some sort of dystopian slave like future.

Your posts have a typical rhetorical style where cause and effect never link up. You go from enumerating the people you dislike : liberals, multinational corporations and government (but only when run by people you consider to be liberal). Without connecting the dots at all ( the when, where, why and how) you jump to your conclusion which is death and destruction for God and Country.

This is why I said in the original post that it reminded me of the rhetoric of the old John Birch Society. Fear and loathing packaged in easily digestible, but evidence deficient bits.

Let's assume arguendo that you are correct. There is oppression and destruction dead ahead for the good ol' U.S. of A. This would seem to be a clear and present danger that you seem to have keen insight into.....what are you doing to combat this? What steps are you taking to make sure this doesn't happen?

If it is dire as you say, the evidence should be laid out in detail, and you should be screaming at our elected leaders. Why aren't you running for office? Why aren't you fundraising and collaborating with like minded folks to come up with a brilliant plan to stop it all?

What is the plan Doc? What will stop this intrinsic evil that operates with trillions of dollars and the backing of evil globalists who simply want us living in pods, eating bugs or plugged into the matrix?

Tell me where to spend my money. Tell me where to show up with the torches and pitchforks. Tell me how the common citizens of Bartow County are going to bring the godless international cartel to its knees.

If you truly believe in this clear and present danger, anything short of all out war is nothing but an exercise in intellectual onanism.

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I think you should re-read this segment from my post here.

I connect dots on one example. There is much mroe to come. Please read the book "the Great Reset" by Glenn Beck".

Then explain why Governors and legislatures all over the nation are passing laws to stop ESG as a factor in state funds and some private companies. That is war.

I am working hard to stop ESG. You have no idea. So, if you want to put your fingers in your ears and cover your eyes, that is your prerogative. The rest of us are working to protect us from the corproatists.

"ESG attacking Coal-fueled Electricity with higher lending costs.

Here is a basic example of ESG in action. There is an extremely dangerous stated goal by the World Economic Forum to become Carbon Neutral by 2050 and the UN wants a dangerous 50% carbon cut by 2030. As such the WEF and government have worked with many banks to ensure that it would be more expensive to build these plants. Barclays, a major lender, has “tightened” lending for Coal-fired plants. The WEF brags about the higher costs of lending for Coal fired plants. The US Treasury is trying to stop US Development bank funding for coal-fired plants as well as with the oppositely named “Inflation Reduction Act”. There are energy companies retiring their coal-fires plants early under pressure from WEF and allied forces.

This includes closing a large part of the BARTOW COUNTY Bowen Plant in 2028. (More on this story later in the series).

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What exactly are you doing that impacts multinational corporations? And no. No dots connected. Read 5 times now.

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Oh, my. You read that paragraph 5 times and can't see how the corporations (energy companies), financers (Blackrock/Fink), government (US and European) and extremist actors (WEF) are connected? The links are right there to back up everything. But I will simplify it for you.

Here are the dots. Connections are obvious.

Dot 1 - the UN and the WEF trade off a (perceived) crisis of "man-made" climate change. (references cited in the post).

Dot 2 - Barclay's and others intentionally make financing coal-fired energy plants more expensive. WEF celebrates that. (references cited).

Dot 3- Biden signs the "inflation reduction act" that intentionally denies financing of coal -fired plants.

Dot 4- Blackrock creates ESG scores for companies on their compliance with "environmental" and carbon reduction targets. Companies participate and comply.

Dot 5. EPA creates regulations to make the cost of building or maintaining coal-fired plants impossible to maintain. They offer to help with buyouts or subsidies if the plants are "retired".

Dot 6 - Southern Company decides to shut down two units of coal-fired power in BARTOW COUNTY, joining dozens of other plants in country.

This is clear. There is no doubt what is going on. To ignore this government - activist attack on corporations and then to ignore the benefits to companies for compliance is naive. The blinders are on and you should remove them if you want to be able to turn on your light and cool your home in ten years.

And yes, it is the role of government to STOP the sort of fraud and attacks on private companies to ensure Americans can have the low cost energy that is readily available. It is the role of citizens to demand that big corporations have no crony relationship with government. That is SMALL government conservatism.

You're welcome and have a nice day.

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Beyond that....what right do legislatures have to tell private companies what their investment strategy should be. That is bad news whether the law mandates ESG or outlaws it.

Continues to amaze me how supposedly small government conservatives are in love with big government when it fits their ideological ends.

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You are being naïve if you think that legislatures don't routinely create regulatory landscapes to control corporations. You would also be naïve to think that big corporations don't value the crony relationship with government regulators so they can crowd out competition and benefit from "approved" and subsidized activity.

That is what is happening. Dots connected in another response.

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Come on Doc....those are all business decisions designed to change with the times and the attitudes of the country. Companies have ALWAYS done them. They strive for that 18-45 marketplace and that group generally supports more liberal attitudes.

For what it is worth, I saw the Buzz Lightyear movie. The kiss that had the right's underoos in a wad was the biggest nothing burger ever.

Kids have friends who have same sex parents, it is no big deal. My daughter attends what one would describe as a traditional religious private school in our area. Not "woke" at all. There are kids there with openly gay parents...some even in parent leadership roles.

That fight is hopefully done my friend.

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I like what is most efficient and grows the economy the most for all of us. I like having a pragmatic approach to most everything, because it yields the best results.

I dont know what you are doing or not doing in combating ESG. For some reason you refuse to go on record with what it is you claim. That's certainly your prerogative.

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WEll, then you should be fighting to stop ESG because it is DESIGNED to destroy our economy. That IS pragmatic, just with a result opposite to your state goal.

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Corporations depend on a thriving economy. They have no desire to destroy it.

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That is the old model of true "capitalism". The new model of so-called "stake-holder capitalism" has specific aims to destroy certain economic sectors (e.g. energy) and push political agendas despite profit (think Disney and Buzz Light year/Strane World and Budlight/ Dylan Mulvaney).

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