Not sure where data is coming from but the Adairsville area has slot more students than years past. I remember a few years ago we were in the 800s and now we are 1,300 +. The elementary school has grown almost out of their new bldg.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Author

The Data is from the University of Georgia . The link is in the article above.

If Adairsville is gaining over last few years, that means others must be losing to account for drop this last year. Plus, can you can see detailed data here by school: https://oraapp.doe.k12.ga.us/ows-bin/owa/fte_pack_enrollgrade.entry_form

According to that link Adairsville had about 2,379 total students in 2008 between, elementary, middle and High School. That was 693 (high school) 939 (Middle School) 747 (Elementary school.

I shared my data source. Can you share yours? If you work in the school system you may have better access than citizens . The BCSS is very stingy with data. They charge people to obtain it and throw up barriers to obtaining and interpreting.

Thanks for the feedback. Looking forward to seeing your data breakdown and source.

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